
歡迎來到上海聚儒官方網(wǎng)站一站式企業(yè)服務(wù)平臺,業(yè)務(wù)咨詢電話:+86 21-68881812


Long-term success depends on having the best and most skilful people

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聚儒,公司的名字,源自于“匯聚儒雅之商,共創(chuàng)千秋萬業(yè)”。2004 年聚儒成立以來,我們一直專業(yè)從事投資咨詢和代理服務(wù),為中外企業(yè)提供“一站式”服務(wù),是一家集投資咨詢、企業(yè)登記、代理記賬、商標(biāo)專利、稅務(wù)籌劃、審計(jì)評估、高新技術(shù)企業(yè)認(rèn)定咨詢服務(wù)為一體的資深企業(yè)服務(wù)公司,也是一家優(yōu)秀的外商投資咨詢服務(wù)機(jī)構(gòu)。

Juru, our company name, originates from "to gather refined businessmen, to create a long history". Since Juru's foundation in 2004, we have been engaged in professional investment consultation and agent services. Having provided "one stop" services for domestic and foreign companies, Juru is a professional service company integrating investment consultation, enterprise registration, accounting service, trademark & patent application, tax planning & audit and Hi-tech enterprise recognition consulting services. Juru is an excellent foreign investment consultation service provider.

上海聚儒是上海市浦東新區(qū)企業(yè)設(shè)立代理服務(wù)行業(yè)協(xié)會發(fā)起人及會長單位,上海市財(cái)政局行政許可的具有代理記帳資格的單位,工商局批準(zhǔn)的企業(yè)登記代理機(jī)構(gòu),2014   年以來連續(xù)榮獲市財(cái)政局為小微型企業(yè)購買代理記賬服務(wù)的中標(biāo)單位,浦東新區(qū)民政局、社會組織服務(wù)中心和企業(yè)設(shè)立代理服務(wù)行業(yè)協(xié)會授予的典范單位,曾多次獲得上海市浦東新區(qū)政府招商部門頒發(fā)的招商引資先進(jìn)獎和總工會“合格職工之家” 的榮譽(yù)稱號。

Juru is one of the founders and chairman unit of Pudong New District Enterprise Establishment and Agent Services Association, a bookkeeping agent with the qualification certificate of Shanghai Finance Bureau and also an incorporation agent which has been approved by Shanghai Administration of Industry and Commerce Bureau. Shanghai Juru has been honored as the bid winner of purchasing accounting services for small and micro enterprises by Shanghai Finance Bureau ever since 2014, and as the model unit by Bureau of Civil Affairs, Social Organization Service Center and Enterprise Establishment & Agency Services Association in Pudong New District. Shanghai Juru has repeatedly won "Investment Promotion Advanced Award" by the Pudong New District Government Investment Center and the title of "Qualified Staff Home" by the Staff Union by Pudong New District government investment department.

我們的服務(wù) / Our Services


Company establishment, alternation, relocation, acquisition, merger, division, cancellation, share transfer, share pledge, special business licenses;


Bookkeeping (accounting certificates preparation; book reporting; making statements and annual financial statements analysis reports), drawing up financial and accounting rules and flows, tax reporting, tax arrangements.


Enterprise investment strategies and financial planning, consultation on investment policies, regulations, taxation, finance and foreign currency .


Evaluation analysis about tax cost, and tax agent for other tax items, annual corporate income tax settlement, individual income tax planning and declaration.


Tax planning about enterprise’s restructuring, merging, division and acquisition


Solving daily tax and financial policy questions, financial legal, corporate consultation all the year round.

7.商標(biāo)專利注冊, 各類優(yōu)惠政策申請,審計(jì)評估,高新技術(shù)企業(yè)認(rèn)定。

Trademark and patent registration, various preferential policies application, audit evaluation, Hi-tech enterprise recognition.

財(cái)稅政策稅務(wù)咨詢 / Financial & Tax Policy Tax Advice


Our professional team of certified public accountants, tax agents, assessors and lawyers has a full understanding about Chinese laws and regulations, tax and financial policies. Based on client's requirements, investment plan, management structure and features, we will provide a comprehensive assessment of legal, financial and tax risks for the specific business practices of our client. On the basis of maintaining client's reputation and economic benefits, we will provide with practical tax planning and professional advice and solutions. We assist clients to properly handle tax and tax issues related to tax departments, provide professional analysis opinions and solutions to tax- related risks for clients before and after tax inspection.


We provide foreign-funded enterprises with tax cost assessment consultation to control tax risks, and put forward reasonable suggestions to control costs and cash flows, to help enterprises obtain the best and legitimate tax benefits, to draw up tax planning programs, and to enjoy financial policies.


Excellent team with professional knowledge, sincere attitude and dedicated service


To build a bridge of communication and cooperation for investors and government departments





Some of the customers we have served
